Use the Sequel JS SDK

With Sequel APIs, you get access to pre-built audio, video and chat components with complete customization and a user experience that takes years to build in-house. With our SDK, we reduce the amount of work required to use Sequel’s REST APIs, reducing the boilerplate code you have to write and allowing you to build a live video platform in minutes.

The SDK is a thin wrapper around our core Sequel components:

  • Company
  • Events
  • Networking
  • Customization
  • Usage


NPM link:

To install the this package, simply type add or install using your favorite package manager:

npm install

yarn add

pnpm add

Getting Started


In order to benefit from the SDK, you should have an account at Sequel, if you don't have it already, you can create your free trial account here.

Once you have your account, go to the admin panel and click on the Integrations menu on the left sidebar.

Copy the Client ID and Client Secret values from the Sequel API integration box to be used in the next step.


The Sequel API SDK is structured in modules, please take a look at the following examples on how to use them:

Example 1: Utilizing the global sequel SDK object:

import { sequel } from "";

// Initiate the API SDK with your credentials  
const sdk = sequel.configure({  
  clientId: 'client-id',  
  clientSecret: 'client-secret'  

// Start using the available methods of the SDK** input parameter */)  
sdk.networking.addNetworkingHub(/** input parameters */);  
sdk.event.addEvent(/** input parameters */);

Example 2: Importing the modules individually as needed:

import { sequel, event, networking, company } from "";

// Initiate the API SDK with your credentials or  
// you can skip this step by setting the environment variables  
  clientId: 'client-id',  
  clientSecret: 'client-secret'  

// Start using the available methods of the SDK  
company.getCompanyById(/** input parameter */)  
networking.addNetworkingHub(/** input parameters */);  
event.addEvent(/** input parameters */);


The list of available modules and respective methods can be found in the Reference section on npm

For more tutorials, follow our blog posts and see how you can use the Sequel SDK in production: